FREE PPE Estimator

These past few weeks, we have been talking with people in provider organizations about what’s most important to them. Exact same answer from everyone: supplies.
It makes sense. They’re the life blood of your organization, and they’re the difference between you being able to care for your patients...and not.
Our team committed to helping supply managers get a handle on the days remaining of much-needed items, including PPE. Today, we are thrilled to offer a free tool to help the industry.

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The online assessment tool allows a representative of a provider organization to estimate the days of supply.

Your will be guided through steps to estimate anticipated cases and usage patterns, laying the foundation of estimated need. The tool returns an immediate estimate of days of supply currently on-hand, to help you estimate upcoming need and proactively work to address supply shortages.

Thanks for letting us help. Call anytime. Kindly share this with your colleagues and friends so that together we can make a difference in this fight. #Covid-19 #CoronaVirus #SupplyCopia #SupplyChain #NeedHelp

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